Here you will find links to all of the Gita Talks. Click on the image or the links in the description text to take you to the individual talk you wish to watch. You can also use the Study Guide to help you find talks by chapters.
Introduction: What is the Gita?
Beginning with a background of the Gita, Swami Nirmalananda then discusses Arjuna’s dilemma and Krishna’s advice.
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2:19
Talk 2–What Is The Self?
Swamiji discusses Krishna’s description of the Self, the Atman, the real inner Self of our self, and how that knowledge will determine how we act and react in all situations of our lives. Chapter 2:20-30
Talk 3–Unity With God
In this talk, Swamiji discusses Krishna’s declaration of His and our immortality.
Talk 4–Karma Yoga, The Yoga of Action
Swamiji discusses Krishna’s statements about who we are and aren’t, and then begins the subject of Karma Yoga, the Yoga of Action.
Beginning Chapter 2:39
Talk 5–The Tranquility of Yoga
Swamiji discusses Krishna’s teachings on the tranquility aimed for in yoga practice and meditation, and how to attain it, as well as the right perspective on possessions. Beginning Chapter 2:45
Talk 6–How to Fix Your Mind on God
Swamiji discusses the methodology to fix our minds on God: Soham Yoga and why it is relevant to the teachings in the Gita.
Beginning Chapter 2:48
Talk 7–The Calm of Self-Surrender
Swamiji discusses self-surrender, and the tangles of the mind preventing this, as well as the sequence of obstacles which leads to a spiritual downfall. Beginning Chapter 2:49
Talk 8–The Path of Downfall
Swamiji continues to discuss the sequence of obstacles which leads to a spiritual downfall as outlined by Krishna in the Gita.
Beginning Chapter 2:63
Talk 9–The Two Paths of Yoga
Swamiji discusses the Yoga of Action (Karma Yoga) and the Yoga of Knowledge (Jnana Yoga), how they differ and how they are related.
Beginning Chapter 3:01
Talk 10–Living for Spiritual Evolution
Swamiji discusses “Eating” through the senses, how to make our lives more spiritual, and our lives as examples to others.
Beginning Chapter 3:13
Talk 11–Our Lives as Examples
Swamiji discusses different concepts of avatars, a story about Anandamayi Ma, and more about our lives as examples to others.
Beginning Chapter 3:21
Talk 12–Our Responsibility for Our Actions
Swamiji discusses how our yoga practice should be evident in our lives and be an examples to others, about Krishna’s words on dedicating our actions to God, and the power of our spiritual associations and the company we keep. Beginning Chapter 3:21
Talk 13–Release from the Bondage of Karma
Swamiji discusses how to be released from the bondage of karma, the necessity for discernment in spiritual life, and how attraction and aversion are obstacles in spiritual life. Beginning Chapter 3:31
Talk 14–The Dangers of Desire & Anger
Swamiji discusses the Hindu concept of sin (papam–wrong-doing), and the nature of desire and anger as the prime obstacles in spiritual life, and shares a story of Yogananda.
Beginning Chapter 3:36
Talk 15–Controlling the Senses
Swamiji discusses the effects of spiritual ignorance, the need to control our senses, the different levels of the mind, and why a yogi needs a sense of humor. Beginning Chapter 3:37
Talk 16–Stories of Yogis
Swamiji discusses how we can become like Arjuna: “foe consumers.” He talks about various yogis he knew, such as Swami Rama of Hardwar, Anandamayi Ma, Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, Sri Datta Bal and others. Beginning Chapter 3:31
Talk 17–Eternal Yoga
Swamiji discusses what Krishna says is the “Eternal Yoga taught from the beginning,” shares stories of Anandamayi Ma, and discusses how God incarnates. Beginning Chapter 4:01
Talk 18–Why Does God Incarnate?
Swamiji discusses what Maya really is, and why God incarnates from age to age, plus other aspects of Krishna’a teachings in the Gita.
Beginning Chapter 4:07
Talk 19–Traits Developed by Yoga
Swamiji discusses how God incarnates to facilitate our enlightenment, traits one will develop when successfully practicing yoga, the practice of Japa Yoga, and some of the ways to approach God. Beginning Chapter 4:10
Talk 20–Action & Inaction
Swamiji discusses the nature of action and inaction, how we can view situations in our spiritual life objectively and intelligently, and how we must restrain our thought and our lower self. Beginning Chapter 4:16
Talk 21–Qualities for Success in Yoga
Swamiji discusses the spiritual qualities needed for success in yoga, how to dissolve karma, the prayer used by monks before meals, and the different types of offerings in spiritual life. Beginning Chapter 4:22
Talk 22–What Is Pranayama?
Swamiji discusses Different forms of sacrifice (yagña, offering), what pranayama really is, diet as a spiritual offering, plus other aspects of Krishna’a teachings in the Gita. Beginning Chapter 4:29
Talk 23–The Sacrifice of Wisdom
Swamiji discusses more on sacrifice (yagña, offering), the positive effect of true faith (shraddha), and the negative effect of doubt. Beginning Chapter 4:33
Talk 24–Renunciation vs. Karma Yoga?
Swamiji discusses renunciation and karma yoga and which is better, according to Krishna, the concept of Darshanas (viewpoints in Hinduism) and our inner nature as the Eternal Witness. Beginning Chapter 5:01
Talk 25–The Nine Chakras
Swamiji discusses the two types of “I”ness and the “nine gates” of yoga–the nine chakras of the Nath Yoga Tradition. Beginning Chapter 5:10
Talk 26–The “Thatness” of God
Swamiji discusses why the Gita and other scriptures of India use the word “Tat,” –That, for God, as well as having a universal vision: seeing God in all beings. He talks about Swami Sivananda and his poem “Only God I Saw.” Beginning Chapter 5:17
Talk 27–Using Spiritual Intelligence
Swamiji discusses how we should respond to both good and evil, and shares quotes and stories of Yogananda and Sri Ramakrishna. He also discusses the concepts of raga and dwesha (attraction and repulsion), factors the yogi must master in his spiritual life. Beginning Chapter 5:20
Talk 28–Happiness from Within
Swamiji discusses the happiness and illumination produced by yoga, what Nirvana really is, eye position in meditation, and the yogi’s real Kechari Mudra, as well as other useful topics. Beginning Chapter 5:24
Talk 29–The Yoga of Meditation
Swamiji discusses spiritual duty, and the “Nitya Karmas–the duties of householders, as well as making the lower self a friend of the Higher Self. He shares a story about the slanders that were directed towards Anandamayi Ma during her life, and how she dealt with them. Beginning Chapter 6:01
Talk 30–Knowledge and Discrimination
Swamiji discusses a wide range of topics, including spiritual knowledge (jnana) and discrimination (viveka), fixing the mind on the Self, and the example of Anandamayi Ma in impartiality. Beginning Chapter 6:08
Talk 31–A Yogi’s Place of Meditation
Swamiji discusses different aspects of medition, including posture, practice, and a yogi’s seat, as well as the contested meaning of “nasikagram,” focusing on the root of the nose, plus more on Krishna’a teachings in the Gita. Beginning Chapter 6:11
Talk 32–The Yoga Life
Swamiji discusses details Krishna mentions about spiritual life, including eating, sleeping, and moderation in all things. He shares a story of Sister Durga, Paramhansa Yogananda’s advanced disciple, and controlling the mind, and more. Beginning Chapter 6:16
Talk 33–Priorities in Spiritual Life
Swamiji discusses priorities in spiritual life, and obstacles to those priorities. He shares a story about Lahiri Mahasaya, how to develop will-power, and clarifies the true meaning of “sin.” Beginning Chapter 6:21
Talk 34–Seeing God Everywhere
Swamiji discusses the false secular/spiritual divide, Arjuna’s question about the restlessness of the mind, and shares a story of Yogananda from someone who knew him. Beginning Chapter 6:30
Talk 35–Falling from Yoga
Swamiji discusses those who have faith but are yet uncontrolled, and what Krishna says about those who fall from yoga. He also shares stories about Anandamayi Ma, Paramhansa Yogananda, and Yogananda’s disciple Swami Kriyananda. Beginning Chapter 6:37
Talk 36–Going Beyond the Vedas
Swamiji discusses what the Vedas are, and how the yogi goes beyond the vedas. He talks about yoga as superior to asceticism, and the necessity for perseverance and mastery. He also shares a story about Anandamayi Ma. Beginning Chapter 6:44
Talk 37–Knowledge and Realization
Swamiji shares Krishna’s teachings on how to know Him. He discusses the rarity of those who seek and find God. He also shares a story of a meeting with Swami Kriyananda, Yogananda’s monastic disciple. Beginning Chapter 7:01
Talk 38–Spiritual Cosmology
Swamiji discusses the cosmology, both cosmic and personal, taught in the Gita. He share the various similes about God Krishna talks of. Beginning Chapter 7:04
Talk 39–Tapasya: Spiritual Practice
Swamiji discusses the subject of tapasya. He share more the various similes about God Krishna talks of, such as Intelligence and Strength. He briefly touches on the gunas, and what Krishna says about evil-doers. Beginning Chapter 7:09
Talk 40–Four Types Who Seek God
Swamiji discusses the four kinds of people seek God: the distressed, seekers for knowledge, seekers of wealth, and the wise. What are the characteristics of each type, and which is the best? Beginning Chapter 7:16
Talk 40–Four Types Who Seek God
Swamiji discusses the four kinds of people seek God: the distressed, seekers for knowledge, seekers of wealth, and the wise. What are the characteristics of each type, and which is the best? Beginning Chapter 7:16
Talk 41–Seeking Refuge in God
Swamiji discusses the types of people who seek God, and the subject of seeking refuge in God. He shares a story of Lahiri Mahasaya, and a saying of Yogananda Beginning Chapter 7:19
Talk 42–God Beyond Manifestation
Swamiji discusses God in manifestation, veiled by Maya and also beyond manifestation. He also shares stories of Anandamayi Ma. Beginning Chapter 7:24
Talk 43–Arjuna’s Cosmic Questions
Swamiji discusses the many questions Arjuna asks Krishna at the beginning of this chapter. Krishna talks of how a person’s thoughts at the time of death determine the next birth. Beginning Chapter 8:01
Talk 44–Going Beyond Rebirth
Swamiji discusses possible danger with yoga, the wider meaning of Brahmacharya, yoga discipline, and the need to think of God constantly for the yogi, as well as the sorrows of the world. Beginning Chapter 8:11
Talk 45–Brahma’s Day & Night
Swamiji discusses Brahma’s Day and Night (the Yugas), who Brahma is, freedom from rebirth for those who attain God, and sadhana as the means of purification to attain that Unity. Beginning Chapter 8:16
Talk 46–Royal Science & Royal Secret
Swamiji discusses what is real faith, and what is disbelief, as well as what will happen to those with no faith. He also talks about the “secret” of the Gita. Beginning Chapter 9:01